I've done some redecorating on the page again. I got tired of the banner up top and found that bridge while I was in Google looking up Manassas. While I was in there I figured I'd grab something to match as the background. That's when I came across the picture for Lower Doyles River Falls in Shenendoah National Park. One of these days I ought to take a trip and get my own picture of them.
I got some applications all filled out and ready to go. All I do is get them walked over to the strip mall. I think I'll do that tomorrow. Hubby's got to go in tomorrow afternoon and I really need to prove I can do this by myself....to myself. I've spent way too much of my life cooped up. Not necessarily afraid to go out by myself, but also not brave enough to exit the confines of the property (well except for the occassional trip to the mailbox) Im living on alone. Now that Im living within walking distance of many shops AND a bus route, it's time to get that little problem of mine fixed and pronto. Ya know, I think I'll see if I have enough cash on hand for a haircut too while Im out.
The kids are doing ok. Dharma's going up and down the stairs with no problem. She's become awefully lovey since we moved here and cannot stand to be on a level of the home without anyone with her. It's gotten quite cute actually because she's gotten talkative too. She never really meowed much while in Texas but every so often she'll "hollar" for me if she cant find me right away. All I have to do is imitate her miau and she'll come running. Katy has had a set back though. On her way up the stairs one evening, she took a misstep (or mis-leap?) and slipped backwards on the stairs...sliding about 1/3 the way down. Then her fanny hit a step just right and she ended up doing backwards summersaults for the most of the balance of the way down. We're lucky she didnt get hurt. Since then hubby doesnt allow her to take the steps by herself, actually...she wont even attempt them at all. I cant say I blame either of them. So we're back to carting her up and down the stairs. Well, hubby is, when Im home alone she's kept downstairs.
We got a note on our door the other day. Looks like they'll be working on something in my area on the 15th and it means they'll be shutting off the water that day until the modifications have been completed. I hope it's only a one day thing. Thankfully, hubby has the day off and we planned on being out and about during the day. Hmmm...means I better pack my camera, eh iggy?
Well, I'd better scoot. Chicago showed me how to convert my music files to a lower bit rate through MusicMatch so Im trying to get some of those done as well. I've got several files done but not a whole folder's worth yet so I think I wanna get a few more tunes done tonight before bedtime.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to send you the cold weather, it was just so nice, I wanted to share it with everyone!
Good luck in getting out with the apps. I didn't realize you had a problem with that, based on your job at Wal Mart in December.
I'm sorry about Katy's fall, but glad she's ok. Eventually, she'll get the courage to try again. Will just take time.
Hmmmm, maybe some OCHA's will come back for the work around your place on Tuesday?
LOL just make sure it stays cold enough for snow next time!! LOL
I dont have a problem quite to the extent that Karla has always described. New places can be unnerving to say the least, but it just takes some getting used to. I do ok once I've gotten back used to being out and feel safe. I attribute it to being overly high strung. Too many years of a certain someone wanting me to be there in case they called to check in I suspect. This hubby doesnt make it easier by calling or emailling several times a night. Oh I know he's nothing like the other, but there's that little seed of a problem anyhow. Some things I just have GOT to get over. This is going to be a rough year due to location I think....
Courage...yeah but the dog and I need a very strong dose of that.
Tuesday...it's more than likely. I found odd white dots on the front lawn when we got back earlier in the week. Not sure what they are. I certainly hope they dont plan on using the front lawn as a, OCHA cemetary. Just my luck, one of these nights the dead OCHAs will emerge from their plots and haunt the neighborhood....
That bridge is beautiful. The stone bridges in your area and up into Baltimore really capture the eye. And the Shenendoah National Park is calling me :) I would like to walk on the Appalacian Trail there. Heck, I'd even settle for a ride (let someone else drive, you see more!)
I cringed when I read about KatyLou. I hope shes alright.
The camera/OCHA chase graphic made me laugh loud enough the boss came over to see what I was up. :)
Good luck with the OCHAShutterbugitis, there may be a cure someday.
Poor Katy...I'm sure it scared her to the point of no returning to the stairs..
Sorry you didn't get your snow yet. Hang in there..Winter is just around the corner LOL
Katy's doing ok. She didnt seem to hurt anything more than her pride and was walking around just fine after the accident. Hubby checked her over and she didnt squeal in pain or anything (must be all the fat on the little porker...). She just refuses to do more than sit at the stairs and makes no attempt anymore...not that I blame her, that had to scare the shit out of her. I know it would me (am afraid I'm gonna end up like that everytime that I go down them), although with me I'd be able to scoot down and up on my fanny and she simply cant do that.
LOL@ winter is just around the corner...yeah but not til the humidity of summer shows first!
I completely understand where you're coming from about needing to get out for yourself. That was what prompted me to get out on my own.
Kero fell down the stairs head first as a puppy and hit a concrete floor. At first we carried him up and down because he was scared ~(and so were we) of it happening again. After a while though it got annoying so I clipped his lead on him and walked him up and down the stairs time after time after time. Eventually he got more confident and now when we go to my parents place he zips up and down the stairs like there's no tomorrow. Not sure how successful that would be with Katie because of how steep the stairs are, but maybe it's worth a try?
Katy's a large chihuahua (what some call a deer chihuahua)...roughly 10-12 pounds. She doesnt stand nearly as tall as a Westie....which means her legs arent nearly long enough to be handling the stairs in the first place as they arent deep enough. I measured last night with my foot. I forced my heel all the way back (which meant the next stair up dug into the back of my leg) and the stair was about a half inch bigger than my foot (I wear a 9 wide American sizes..not sure how that converts over). I pretty much have what mom calls "Fred Flintstone feet" because they're short and wide...but hey they get me to where Im going. I'll have to take a tape measure to the actual step one of these days.
Now dont get me wrong...she normally handles stairs ok. Going down at the apartment complex (the corp housing) she did fine but going up was a pain because it was those concrete steps you could see down to the ground while heading up stairs. She also takes the uncarpeted stairs at the inlaws ok but their steps arent as shallow and the whole case is wider...I dont think the individual steps are as tall either...
Nice pic of the bridge. Reminded me of my trip to Alabama. Karen and I took a side trip to the Natural Bridge, Virginia We didn't take the tour because we were short on time, but we went inside the big gift shop and I took several pics of the buildings around there.
(thanks for the hypertext link generator, Iggy) :)
ooooooooooh that was pretty. Thanks for the share Alice!!
Hey Styxie, I've been down in your area and its intimidating for the uninitiated anyway. The beltway area traffic, frentic pace, "diversity" (to be polite), and mass mayhem and twisty roads are eye-openers to those not used to them.
I know you aren't from the sticks, so after you get your bearings you will be fine.
I always find it hard to learn my way around when I'm not driving too - I'm too busy looking around at "things" to notice where I'm going.
LOL...nope, not from the sticks but not exactly from the city either. Actually where we're at is a little closer to like where I grew up. I grew up in a housing tract that was nestled between the main railline and one of the main roads. I'll have to post an entry about it sometime.....
I'm worn out after reading this post and all the comments! Glad Katy is ok. A tumble like that would have scared me too. We also have a Chihuahua. The lady advertised him as a tea cup Chihuahua. The minute I saw him, I fell in love, but it was obvious he had already passed any tea cup size (later research educated me that there really is no such thing as a "tea cup" chihuahua). Anyway, Whiskey is 4 years old and weighs 10 lbs. Like Katy he doesn't do steps too well. In the summer he slims down because I take him walking. Good thing walking weather is back! Good luck with those applications!
Fair enough. I do know how small those dogs are (can't spell it, and can't be bothered to scroll up for your comment to check spelling, lol). My Grandma had one when I was growing up. Still, the thought was there. Maybe she'll just get up the courage to try again one day? Then again, maybe you should get a doggy sized stair lift? LOL! Still, at least she's small and light enough not to be too much hastle to carry up and down the stairs.
Chair lift...no way she's spoiled enough. Im thinking more along the lines of a Wizard of Oz basket and a zip-wire. LOL No she's not heavy but she tends to squirm some and play when you go to pick her up jumping out of reach constantly. I solved my problem by making hubby deal with her, it's his dog afterall (besides, when he's home she wont go out for me unless the kidneys are really close to bursting).
Poor Katy! She's just too little to take on those big human steps!
You really do need to get out if you can. Otherwise you will get to the extent I was in Tulsa. I couldn't even walk across the complex to the office to pay my rent! Buying groceries was such anxiety all I wanted to do was die! Thank GOD I don't have that problem here! From the minute the plane landed I was "home" and have had no problem going anywhere (except the Mall...way too much traffic and the roads aren't placed right to get in and out easy) Take care of yourself!
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