Reposting this as tomorrow (02/28/09) is the deadline for the questions mentioned in the last paragraph of this entry. All questions must be in before 11:59pm east coast time. Thanks!Lainie did the 25 Things one a while back and since then, I've seen it around many of the blogs I read. I figure, with all the new readers I have, I might want to go ahead and do this to get the others caught up. While Im at it, Im going to label it with the Honest Scrap stuff as I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone this way. I cheat, so sue me.

01) There are birthdays and/or anniversaries the 28th or 29th of every month from April to September in my family.
02) Over the course of my lifetime, I've had 26 cats overall and 17 were kept (the others were either re-homed OR lost to natural causes).....and yes, I remember each and every one of them.
03) I still love cartoons and animated movies. When I was growing up, I wanted to be a cartoonist.
04) I was the top 20% of my class of over 300 students. No, I wasnt a nerd...but I was a tad smarter than most in my class.
05) I've spent roughly 1/3 of my life married and wouldnt have it any other way. I've never had a problem being married, just who I was married to.
06) I LOVE stuffed animals. The only one I have left from before both marriages is over 30 years old and is one my mom made for me.
07) Im nearly 40 and still call my parents Mommy and Daddy, behind their backs as well as to their faces.
08) I find it extremely funny that the mascot of my high school was the Spartans and the Christian School I worked for for 4 years in Lousiana had the mascot of the Knights.
09) I find it extremely ironic that my first husband was a Mastered Degreed history teacher and I hate history. I find it even more ironic that I live in a city steeped in Civil War history. Someplace that my first husband would *LOVE* to be living in.
10) I am ecclectic in my musical tastes. My music files range from 12 Stones to ZZTop and a good deal of everything in between. Right now, I cant get enough of instrumentals although my usual playlist contains rock.
11) I love windchimes. At the house in Texas I had about 8 up hanging from the eaves of the covered patio. Here I only have one up because there just isnt any room.
12) Im a night owl. If my days didnt start until 11am and ended around 2am, I'd be perfectly happy with life. If I get a nap in around 9pm, Im good to go until 5am.
13) I was in choir from 3rd grade all the way through highschool. My mom always had fits because I'd practice my songs with the radio going. Like I explained to her, many of my choirmates wouldnt always hit the right notes or rhythm, I had to be ready no matter WHAT I heard and this was the best way to do it.
14) In both marriages, I wore handmade wedding gowns. In the first wedding, my mom made it...the second wedding, I did. The flowers were all handcrafted as well with "silk" flowers. The first time I did them, the second time around a cousin by marriage did them.
15) I love tea. I'll drink it either hot or cold or even luke warm. Coffee, on the other hand, I cant stand the taste of. I do like the smell of certain brands though.
16) In my life, I've held 8 jobs....actually 7 because one company I worked for in two different times of my life. Of these jobs, I've worked for 3 different nationwide companies and only got laid off from one of them.
17) I've spent 2/3 of my life over weight. No matter how hard I try, I never can manage to keep the weight OFF once I've lost it. One time I managed to get down to 129 pounds. The dr's charts all said I was still 5 pounds too heavy, but because of my heavy bone structure I was nothing but skin and bones....
18) I am my own worst critic, especially when it comes to my art work.
19) I have more friends out of state than I do instate. In fact most of them live online with me in blogger or in Myspace.
20) Im back in contact with a couple nieces from my previous marriage and our friendships are coming along nicely. Granted , there's still a bit of trust issue on my half but can you blame me? Especially since the guy turned out to be a psycho jerk that ended up in prison for stalking and harrassing 5 girls....
21) I love my edjumakashunalz. Love them to the point that I read nearly 100 a day and 20 of them I simply will not miss if I can at all help it.
22) I am ADDICTED to American Idol. Woe is me if I find a job before May!! Then again, if it doesnt manage to snag me in... I may forgo the year entirely (I hear Chicago saying "yeah right, you say that every year").
23) I am a *gasp* chocoholic. Shh dont tell anyone. Actually, one week a month Im not...then I crave cinnamon or lemon. Weird, yeah I know.
24) I'm a bottle red. Thank God for Clairol and Redken!!! Otherwise, I'd be riddled with metallic highlights. You'd think with this statement that Im a vain person, but Im not...just about my hair.
25) Im a klutz. Because of this, I always look at the ground while I walk and use my peripheral vision to keep an eye on things around me. I prefer to walk with someone else so I can see when it's safe to move. I remember once while walking in New Orleans, I looked up to see the sites and promptly tripped over a manhole cover that was extending above the street by a half inch....landed on all 4s in the middle of the street and almost got hit by a car.
I probably could add a bit more to this...but I wont. It's taken me days to write it as it is. I will do this, though. I've seen that Interview Me bloggy game going around. If you've noticed, I have yet to put an Interview Me in anyone's comments. Why? Well, to be honest, I'd rather have a variety of different questions and not 5 from just one person. As such, Im now going to open this up to you, my readers. Now...I have 17 followers to this particular blog. So Im guessing maybe one question from each would be good. Oh wait, Im sure not everyone would leave a question so maybe I should just up that to 2 questions each. That's right, 2 questions each ...drop them in the comments below. I'll leave this offer open until February 28th. Only thing I really draw the line at is politics.....I wont discuss those. I also reserve the right to not answer any questions in the blog that I feel are simply not appropriate for my blog (although I may just answer them in an email out of sight of the general public).