You have permission to rest.
You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken.
You do not have to try and make everyone happy.
For now, take time for you.
It's time to replenish.
Okay, so it's taking me alot longer to replenish than most. Considering the 10+ years of crap I dealt with and all the medical shit that's been hitting the fan over here, it really isn't surprising that the moose is refusing to leave the dandelion patch. Maybe I need to think and refresh some of these pages because evidently, some are no longer what I need to be doing. It's highly possible I simply need to close out a few and retool a few others.

Hey... maybe your Moose and my Moose wandered off somewhere together 'cause I ain't seen mine in a while either!
It was nice to see the NYC person posting again! Maybe seeing those posts will inspired us?
Yay! Hello you! I'm so glad you did a little dusting around here ;)
And I so hope you two get back on it. I miss keeping up with all of our crazy lives (and I mean that in the nicest and most honest way possible)!
Also, so much YES to those words. I'm such a self-critical people pleaser and always forget that taking care of me should be my priority over catering to other people's demands. It's been a hard lesson...
That might be the case, iggy. Maybe they're running an Underground Railroad for the OCHAs? Could it be that they're trying to pull the Squirrel Saga back together and tripped up on some of the links in your entry because I changed my blog address and now the links no longer work? Who knows! Silly meeses....
*Smiles at Dorkys* Yeah... as I've said in my emails... I get it ^_~
I don't know how to break it to you, but your mees's have company... mine is lost in the dandelion patch too. Good to see a post from you!
All those meeses better not be off having baby mooses to infiltrate everyone else!
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