The competition portion of American Idol started this week. With any luck, I'll be still blogging it in my MySpace area. It may be a little rougher getting it done, but with the help of YouTube, Dial Idol and Rickey.org (and the betting sites once they get geared up and going) I should be able to still get my reviews up. I did really well this week getting 2.5 out of the 4 elimintated correct. I only gave myself half a correct on the one because I wasnt completely right as to whether they'd be gone or not. I felt VFTW would factor in higher than they did. This is the first week though and they're not in full gear yet. It usually takes them a week or so to get a good pick in for the year. The one I missed...well I missed that one COMPLETELY. Ah well.
I've gotten some new cds in the last few weeks. I finally broke down and bought myself the Sara Bareilles cd, Little Voice. I really enjoy that one song she has out and I believe with the way my tastes have been running lately that it'll get some decent playtime in my stereo once we get into the town house (along with my Kate Voegele cd). A couple days ago 3 other cds from my Amazon wishlist came in. I'd been going back and forth on this one cd and kept picking it up in the store but I KNEW I could get it cheaper on Amazon so hubby broke down and got it for me. The cds that came in are the Natasha Bedingfield Pocketful of Sunshine one, Idina Menzel's I Stand, and Leigh Nash's Blue on Blue (lead singer from Sixpence None the Richer). I cant wait to listen to them. Oh, yeah, I could play them on the laptop but the speakers arent the best and I'd have to turn the volume way up to enjoy them. This is something I dont really want to do to be honest.
This week we were *supposed* to get snow. Hmmmm snow *goes to look it up...maybe they have pictures?* ...snow.... ahh here it is :
snow [ snō ]
noun (plural snows)
1. ice crystal flakes: water vapor in the atmosphere that has frozen into ice crystals and falls to the ground in the form of flakes.
Ok so by the dictionary definition we DID have snow, if you could count those piddly little dandruff sized flakes snow on Wednesday. Im not kidding, you had to SQUINT to find a flake and do you think we got any showing on the ground?? Hell NO! So by Thursday night and into Friday they tell us that the next front coming through is supposed to be sleet and snow. I tell my hubby when he leaves Thursday to call me if the roads are bad BEFORE he leaves work. Hmmmm no call. The roads were wet, but never froze. In fact, the roads were so good he drove a workmate back to his home a good 45 minutes one way in the opposite direction before coming back home. I guess the guy carpools and something happened and he got stranded at work.
Speaking of work, on his way out the door yesterday my hubby told me they may be changing his shift already. Looks like they're considering putting him on the front end of the week in a month or so. I asked him if it was nights or days and he wasnt sure yet. I asked him if it was a step up or sideways and he tells me a little of both. It's just sideways in the job level BUT a little step up in that it'll earn him brownie points with the bosses. That's good I guess....only a month to month and a half in and they're already wanting to put him in areas where they really need the help (they're short handed on that shift and someone's leaving in a month's time so they'll be even more short handed).
I got an email from a friend of mine up in Joisee the other day. Seems her fiance and she *FINALLY* picked out a date. They'll be getting married in July this year. Thank goodness she gave us enough heads up! With the move and his new job and me having to go back to work, I need all the heads up I can get! I have to laugh. She'd wanted to have all her previous "brides" (she's been a bridesmaid and maid of honor several times over...kinda like the movie 27 Dresses) in her wedding party but there were at least 10 of us and a couple of us it was twice over. She opted to have a couple close friends as attendants and allow all the previous brides enjoy themselves instead of having them work the celebration. How nice...this way no one's feelings would be hurt that so and so was in the wedding and they werent.
I went shopping Monday last week and bought myself some more supplies for needleworking. AC Moores had the cross stitch floss on sale for 4/$1 which is a pretty good price (better when it goes to 10/$1), so I stocked up on the colors that Im going to be using for my next project. I think I've decided that the one Im working on is going to be my friend's wedding gift, Im not sure yet. I may decide against it though, I havent absolutely decided yet. Anyhow, the next project is going to be a Home Sweet Home sampler for our townhouse. While I was AC Moores, I looked for a case for my bobbins of floss. Im not really liking the box I have presently (which is packed up) as there isnt enough room in it for all the colors I have. I didnt like any they had there but I did find a beautiful needlework piece from "The Gold Collection" that I just had to pick up. That brand is one of the more pricier brands like "Dimensions", the pieces average about $32+ and in many cases much higher. I generally wont buy them because of the price but I had a coupon for 50% off a regular priced item. Gotta love that. I ended up walking out of there with roughly $42 worth of stuff (19 skeins of floss, a package of plastic floss bobbins and the needlework piece) for LESS than the original price of the piece ($32 regular price). I paid a total of $23.35...a savings of $17.71. That savings got spent though in Michaels (which I found out WILL price match as long as I have the competitor's ad) where I found a nice pattern book ($6) and a box that will work nicely with my flosses ($10). Now that I look at it it looks alot like one of those little doodad boxes for work benches. You know, the ones with the screws, bolts and nuts stored in the little drawers? I'll have to remember that the next time I need a box like that and just hit up the hardware department. *shrugs*
Hmmm I guess there was more to say than I thought originally.....
I wish I could send some snow your way, Styxie. You sound like you're in real need of some. LOL
Well, you got closer to snow than we did. LOL!
I've got a wedding to go to in a few months too. My brother and his fiance are getting married on August 2nd.
I need to read blogs on weekends!!! I'm sorry you still haven't had the snow you have been craving...you will probably end up with a "early spring blizzard"...ya know the middle of March ones...ugh!
Wow tori...My son is getting married on Aug 2nd too..looks like we both gonna be at weddings that day!!!
I have a new blog.
We just got MORE snow last night and today. Want some?
I sure as hell do Chicago. If you send it tomorrow it should show up next Tuesday or so.
Ok Deb...I popped in there. Some nice stuff you have there hun.
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