So I did it

I finally sat down and composed a letter to the person that prompted that 3rd Wordle. I'm not going to go into detail about it here, a couple people know what's going on. Let's just say I had a huge decision to make and I threw the gauntlet down....drew the line in the sand. Told her that her behavior was simply not acceptable any longer. If she couldn't straighten up than to not bother writing me back. This was a big deal because there are ALOT of years invested in this friendship but it's gotten to the point where I simply cannot allow this treatment anymore. At this amount of time, there should be a level of respect given to each other and I simply wasn't being given it. Oh granted, she's going through a bad patch...but I've been there and done that already. I can be a great resource if you just ask. I'll help where I can....all I ask is the most basic of courtesies.

Anyhow. I've steamrolled over one speed bump and I think I feel a little better. There are a few more that I need to deal with. At least I am now aware of what the problems are, the hard part will be dealing with them. I won't go into them here. They're fodder for another entry.


Liz Mays said...

Good for you sticking up for yourself! You should!

Jan n Jer said...

I am really in the dark about what is going on..since I dont participate in Wordle. I get the sense that its a personal relationship problem. This is what I have found in life as I have aged...I try not to hang around people who "Steal my Joy"..if these people cross my path, I will be cordial, but I do not have to subject myself to inappropiate behavior. Its good that you spoke up on your own behalf.

Intense Guy said...

For being in the dark - Jan and Jer really hit the mark with her comment. I'd just have to say, "Amen to that."

*Hugs* Its still never easy...

You know that river near you has some pretty good banks on it - perhaps they will work just as well as the Hudson's.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ladystyx, I hope what your dealing with gets better for you hun, your in my thoughts. Hugs!!

also you have an award on my blog if you want to check it out.

Deanna said...

As someone who doesn't participate in the wordie, I am in the dark too. But life is too short to spend time dealing with things that are upsetting to you. I'm glad you did what you needed to do. Hugssssss Styxie.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Well I'm sure it's off your mind a bit now anyway. Better to deal with something than to stew about it. Make a decision and let the chips fall where they may! I hope for the best possible outcome, whatever that may be.

Toriz said...

I hope sticking up for yourself helped. *Hugs*

Dorkys Ramos said...

As someone who usually bites her tongue and swallows her true feelings, I admire your sticking up for yourself. I got some really good feedback on the whole people pleaser post I wrote a while back and learned that your thoughts matter and I'm glad you got them out. Hope improvements in your relationship result from this. If not, at least you don't have to carry that burden within you anymore.

I'm sure you did your best to reach out and fix the situation somehow. The other person now has to do his/her part too.

Pamela said...

ya don't need any stress compromising your immune system --

MarmiteToasty said...

Ive had to dump some shitheads here in real life.... also people that a lot of years have been invested in.... no room anymore in my life for self centred nasty shitheads :).....

its kinda cleansing in a 'what a waste of years' way....


AliceKay said...

I'm glad you dealt with this particular speed bump. We all have them...some are just harder to get over. Good luck with the others you have facing you. *hugs*


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