A couple birthdays this week
Happy Birthday Glitter Pictures
On the 28th, it was my darling hubby's birthday. Shame on me for forgetting to post something for him on that day. Took him out to lunch at Logan's. When the check came I snagged it away quick as can be. Oh, he tried to grab it back but I wasnt about to let him pay! Shows him for telling me he wanted nothing for his birthday.
Today is Karla's birthday as well.. so very Happy Birthday!
'Tis Saturday once again
Before you continue on with my Wordles, please click the "Helping Hands" link over to the right. We got a blogger that needs prayers, good thoughts , candles lit, whatever it is that you personally do in a situation like this. She ~really~ wants this and we all know how hard she's been working towards this goal.
While you're at it, send some good will here (this one's been extended 3 more weeks) and here as well. I'm sure all three will really love it if they get their wishes.
It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
Ohh! I think I'll add some videos too... just to jazz it up somewhat.
This first one is courtesy of that phone commercial with the young man traveling and the girl at home. I simply adore it. It's just the type of song my hubby would have requested for me during that first blush of "omigaw, I think I love ya".
And this next one is the reason for my nick. It's one of my absolute favorite songs to have played for me (and it still is, quite often, dedicated to me at www.blip.fm)
over 90 days
It's Saturday again...already? Dang
It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
*sniff sniff* all over for another year. I actually had more readers this year once I moved it over here from my MySpace account. I just may make The Jukebox the new home for that topic.... hmmm I feel a poll coming on!
Does anyone else smell birthday cake?
Happy Birthday Graphic Comments
No matter what you call her, make sure to wish her a most Happy Birthday today!
Distractions and obsessions
Anyhow. With the monster entry I do weekly in the Jukebox and all the reading I do for that show, last thing I really feel like is writing about anything else. It also doesn't help that I have been fighting "those" kinda days.
Not to say the show (and a few other things) has become a huge time-suck over here, but I've been thrown clear off my usual daily rituals. I'm lucky if I get the blogs read and commented daily AND (are ya sitting?) I've gotten mostly "edjumakashunal" free. Yep. There's only two strips I MUST read and everything else for the most part is ignored now. Go figure I finally got their links sorted into folders in my favorites. *laffz*
I've been really enjoying my new camera (picture at left from online). More than 500 pictures have been snapped with it and I've used up ~maybe~ 6 sets of batteries. The juice gets sucked down fast because I keep the camera on while we're travelling in the truck...so I don't miss anything. Oh, this reminds me.... I still have plates to post in Photobucket. I haven't really been in any hurry to get them uploaded because HLP got hitched this past Saturday (the 16th...congrats hun, I hope you have better luck with that date than I did!) and won't be doing anything new for a couple weeks while she's on her honeymoon. Excuse me for a second....I gotta go deal with this horrid flashback.....
Anyhow...while hubby and I were out a couple weeks back, we were visiting McKays Secondhand store (music, videos, and games) and I saw they had the The Movies PC game. Ok, honestly, I saw it several weeks back. I'd pick it up, look at it and think "nah, not today...not at that price"...I really wasn't sure if I really wanted it that badly. Well, this last time (after about the 5th time picking it up and setting it back down) hubby asked if I was going to finally buy it. I told him I thought the price was too much and he told me that I was looking at the wrong sticker. *D'Oh* I was looking at the tag on the outer sleeve of the game, McKay's places their tags on the shell casing itself. So instead of the nearly $40 I was seeing on the sleeve, the game was only $5. Well for THAT price, even if it's a dog of a game, it wouldn't matter if I was able to get my money back or not (and the only way I get a refund on software there is if the game doesnt work). This game has gotten to be extremely addicting. I'll start playing and next thing I know, several hours have passed. Oh no! I guess I WON'T be getting to bed at 4am tonight either! I'm still learning the ins and outs of the game.
Age of Empires. Ok, this one isn't really as much as a time-suck as a game only lasts me about 90 minutes with the way I set it up. My trouble is if I'm having a bad day and decide to play more than one game, then I lose track of how much time has passed. This is one of those games that allows me to work out some anger/frustration/aggression (pick one...it'll fit the sitch) without ripping loose on someone I love or beating a hole through the wall. Another good game for times like that is Alpha Centauri or it's expansion pack Alien Crossfire (which both take HOURS to play for total world conquest). Neither game do I allow surrender... just total annihilation. Yeah, I know... violent. At least no one in the real world is getting hurt in the process. Heh. Reminds me of some of the games dickweed liked to play. Those stupid war simulations with the little cardboard pieces and dice. I hated those things. He'd insist I play too.... until that one New Years Eve. He proceeded to tell me he'd play it "historically" and told me how history went for that battle. I aint stupid. I didn't play historically. Let's just say the Allies didn't take Normandy that game. He never asked me to play again....I wonder why?
Oh...and we got some news on that other front. I'll put it in the Journey to Parenthood blog as it' snot really fit to discuss such matters in this blog.
Responses to Saturday's comments
*laffin* *HUGZ*iggy, ya silly silly man.Yes, preparing panties for flinging on Tuesday and adding the transparent bullseye to the tv would really distract me from everything.... even some things I need not be distracted from.
With that situation...hmm... regret, maybe for going through with something I somehow knew in my gut wasnt going to end well. Self-blame for the same as well as the "I wasn't good enough to make things work" really are the hardest to defeat. I ~really~ need to quit comparing my life to my mom's. *UGH* The unfortunate fact is that I've used my parents' marriage as a guide to measure up to. They made theirs work, even with as cranky as each can get...why couldn't I? I know, I know, different situations. I'd always hoped for a marriage like theirs, NOT my uncle's (he's been married 5 times!).
The "What if" doesnt factor in because what if I stayed, it woulda meant worse violence and possibly death. I suspect he woulda ended up in jail one way or another anyhow.
I'm not sure how much stronger it's made me to be honest. At least I havent seen anything that's changed much. Oh, I am more likely to state my opinions (and firmly)...yeah... but in group situations (at least at first) I still find myself reverting to old ways. The question I have for myself is, have I always been like this OR is it simply due to habits created over that decade? Until I can answer THAT, certain things simply wont be able to be fixed and some of those doubts and regrets will remain. Heh. Some would say that the simple fact I acknowledge that means Im on my way to recovery....
Aww thanks Jeannie!*HUGZ* *stifles a virtual sneeze*
I know, wifey, I know. Glad to know I aint the only one.*HUGZ*
*nods @ Yaya*. There's alotta good ones in there. It took a few minutes of hitting the re-create to get some of the words to line up just right. *HUGZ*
*HUGZ* thanks Deanna (ooh that STILL feels weird typing). I know I did. I just wish I knew something nicer was coming along back then.
*HUGZ* Karla. I know you will. Thank goodness some of us dont update more than once or twice a week, eh?
Thanks Melissa. I'd been seeing quite a few bloggers lately that have been doing fund raisers or asking for prayers for family. I wish I'd thought of this before. Often times all anyone can do to help is pray and leave some kind words. All I ask is that my readers go and visit these blogs. If you can help, fantastic! If not, a few kind words or suggestions to help alleviate the situation are always welcome. *HUGZ*
*HUGZ* Pam. There's alot to learn about me. It all started as a way for therapy and to keep people updated. When I left my first husband, I got alot of "I didnt realize that was happening" from my family and friends. I vowed to never have that happen again. So I started 2 blogs. One was to deal with the fractured mind and help me deal with the feelings and the memories of that hateful creature I'd been married to. I figured it would help to get it all written out. The other was to keep the family and friends updated with the NOW life. That way no one could never say "I didn't know".
It's Saturday. It's that time again.
It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
I dug way back for this week's entry. It is a Wordle of one of my very first entries ever, when I was writing on Yahoo360. Back then I wasn't even putting titles on my entry. This entry was written on October 13, 2005. I may or may not be in later to read entries today and it's even more doubtful if another entry gets posted, it may need to wait until tomorrow. May 16th is another of "those days" and sadly this year it falls on a work Saturday which means I dont even have my hubby home to distract me. This year, if I stayed, it would have been 17 years.
Over-due award postings and thanks
The first one was received from her entry entitled It's Raining Awards.
The one below was received (snagged?) from her entry of Six Word Saturday .
Neither of those have any rules (*whew* thank goodness...I hate rules!) other than to enjoy and share. As you can see, I enjoy them alot and now I'm sharing. If you havent received or snagged either of them yet....please do so now.
This next really pretty one was from Beeandrose in her entry called We all fall down the tale of Gimpy . Again, I see no rules (thank YOU!!! Someone up there really likes me today) other than to take it and enjoy...pass it around. So if ya don't have it, grab it. Don't make me find a way to stuff it in your comment boxes!
This one is from Yaya via her post Friday Fragments Focus Friday. Again, no rules (y'all love me!!).
And finally this one from Rae Ann over at Critical Mass via her entry Queen of Alll things awe-summm. Oh NOES! This one's got rules!! *sigh*
The rules:
List 7 things that make you Awe-Summ and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love.
Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won!
Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.
Ok, in fairness...I don't know if she even has time to read my blog as I'm having trouble remembering who does and doesn't comment. Maybe it's time to weed my reading list down to just those that visit? No worries. Since I hate being tagged, I wont be tagging anyone. If you want it and are willing to follow the rules, then have fun.
Ok, 7 things about me? You really want me to let the Leo loose?? You asked for it....
01) I love to work with the graphix programs on my computer. Personally, I don't think I'm that good but I've been told otherwise by many. Nine times out of ten, the artwork you see in the banners and backgrounds on my pages have been done by me. In fact, the stuff I have up now, I snapped those pix and made any adjustments by myself.
02) I used to stream for a chatsite (this aint the awesome part). Actually, I've streamed for several different ones at one time or another and in most of them was deemed good enough to be a trainer for the newbie streamers. It was said I could train a monkey to run the program when others couldn't (this is).
03) If anyone has been watching that bar up there, you'll notice I've lost OVER 40 pounds now. I think I'm plain ol' AWESOME just for keeping up with this because I simply do NOT normally have the drive to do anything like this.
04) I make a MEAN lasagna, well as mean a lasagna as a non-italian can muster. I don't make it anymore because this hubby won't eat it and I simply cannot have a pan of that stuff sitting around here!
05) I paint plaster pieces rather awesomely, the camera just doesnt capture the true beauty of them. However, if you were to ask me in person....I'd tell you they aren't praiseworthy (Im just that awesome).
06) I learn most things quickly; it takes very little time to train me on anything. You show me, then talk me through a few times and as long as I use the skill daily....I'll be able to do it (like those codes putting the links in....got it memorized now thanks to this entry so I'll be able to type them in from memory).
07) I was smart enough to walk away from a hateful marriage before it went completely bad and someone got hurt. I'm the type that can make a great friend and will stand by your side as best as I can in times of need, but piss me off and you'll regret doing so.
If you dont have any of the above....PLEASE help yourself to them with my blessing.
just a brief blurbit
Am up early after a 4 hour nap because hubby has an appointment at the urologist today for Journey type testing. Those that have been following a while will understand that comment. We got some answers last week. Nothing we wanted to hear, and definitely nothing *definite*. Won't go into it here. Maybe later in the other blog.
Next week's the Finale on my obsession (now that's another entry in and of itself...obsessions and distractions) so I'm hoping to get back to more of a routine writing here in this blog. We'll see. Some changes here, certain things that have been normal for me....well I just aint been doing because they don't hold my attention much anymore. This goes back to the obsessions and distractions. Once they work their way through my system, things should go back to normal...whatever the hell that is.
Anyhow...gotta go. Sounds like hubby's ready to start the day.
Little Red Riding Hood: The Engineer's Version
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
Sorry Tori. The only audio to this is a synth music. It's a purely visual presentation. There's just no real way to explain this one other than what's in the title. Each component of the story is broken down into specs in only a way that an engineer could.
YAY!! It's Saturday!
It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
Every year for about 4-5 months my poor darling husband becomes a widower while I overdose on American Idol. Not to say that I'm addicted to the show, but my besties all know not to bother calling during those 2 days of week (3 days during the audition phases) unless they want to get the answering machine... or worse yet, their heads ripped off and handed back to them. My PaSis actually had the nerve to say I had a "very, extremely HEALTHY obsession" with all things American Idol. Yeah, thanks chickie. Anyhow, normally I'd pick a second, third or fourth placer and decorate my pages accordingly... only to be disappointed in the end when my fav didn't quite make it yet *again*. That is until last year when my fav went all the way to win the bugger. Hot dayum! Well this year, it took a while to really suss out my favs. Imagine my surprise this week when, after my analysis of the week's show, I had to call one of my favs as going home for the week. I was a tad sad, but suspected it was going to happen....and then it didn't. Yes, Im a happy camper as 2 of the Top3 are actually ones I like! I'm pretty sure that the one will go home this week unless he steps up his game. Right now, though, odds are in my favor of having a winner for two years running. I'd be happier if I took first and second place...
Anyhow, I thought what a better way to celebrate than to make Wordles for each of them. So I did some digging from my entries for the Top10 to present and pulled up just what I wrote for each one of them for their respective clouds.
Just for you Pop and Ice !
It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
This week's wordle is from this main blog. I did it sometime the end of last week, shortly after that post about my new toy.
Oh...and no worries. Things are fine here. I know I havent written in a few days but I've been a bit sidetracked lately. Besides, it's hard to keep up with the blogs (thought I'd better clarify that before the pervs show up to read...) on the days hubby's home ;).