It's that time of week again!
It's time for Shan's Weekend Wordles.
Here's what ya do:
01) Go to Wordle.net to create your Wordle. It's lots of fun. You can tweak the colors, fonts and such. If you really want to customize your Wordle for your site you can use this color code chart .
02) Post it on your blog with a link to Shan's Week~End Wordles or Last Shreds Of Sanity.
03) Once that's done, go back to Last Shreds Of Sanity and sign the Mr Linky that she'll have up (this will help direct those who play along to your blog...we're talking new peeps reading and maybe new followers for everyone....). Dont forget to leave a comment on the sites you visit!!
Every year for about 4-5 months my poor darling husband becomes a widower while I overdose on American Idol. Not to say that I'm addicted to the show, but my besties all know not to bother calling during those 2 days of week (3 days during the audition phases) unless they want to get the answering machine... or worse yet, their heads ripped off and handed back to them. My PaSis actually had the nerve to say I had a "very, extremely HEALTHY obsession" with all things American Idol. Yeah, thanks chickie. Anyhow, normally I'd pick a second, third or fourth placer and decorate my pages accordingly... only to be disappointed in the end when my fav didn't quite make it yet *again*. That is until last year when my fav went all the way to win the bugger. Hot dayum! Well this year, it took a while to really suss out my favs. Imagine my surprise this week when, after my analysis of the week's show, I had to call one of my favs as going home for the week. I was a tad sad, but suspected it was going to happen....and then it didn't. Yes, Im a happy camper as 2 of the Top3 are actually ones I like! I'm pretty sure that the one will go home this week unless he steps up his game. Right now, though, odds are in my favor of having a winner for two years running. I'd be happier if I took first and second place...
Anyhow, I thought what a better way to celebrate than to make Wordles for each of them. So I did some digging from my entries for the Top10 to present and pulled up just what I wrote for each one of them for their respective clouds.
Aaaack! You've changed your picture! What have you done with the Dharma I know and love? Now she just looks disgusted rather than hissy and pissy! I've had to switch back to my wallpaper twice!!! to get my Dharma fix because now it won't show up on your blog or comments. You are too cruel!!!
I'm clearly deranged over your cat. Don't mind me, I'm off to take my meds and go to bed, seeing as it is 2am....
first of all, I like your new blog design, its so springy looking and I love flowers. Next, Adam rocks on American Idol. I strongly feel he is going to win. Thats my prediction!
Week going Kris
Week wins Adam
LOL cute Wordles, Lady!
I got ya linked mi Lady! Come check mine out.
When we used to watch it (I took a year off of bowling when I had Vivi) Emerson would pick the one guy that you knew would never make it and was constantly in the bottom 3. We would have to call and vote for her "favorite" every week. I swear some weeks they were saved by us.
Cool wordles ...'cept... well... scrapes the ground with his big toes and mumbles... You could have graphically enhanced one of 'em with the thong panties you were throwing at him...
Pop n Ice: Actually in that picture, she's licking her lips. It's a really cool photo because she didnt lick until I'd *just* clicked the shutter. The effect of the tongue moving that quick is that you can see her whiskers thru the end of her tongue.
Thanks Janis! I took that picture myself just the other day.
BRM: Be there in a few!
Wifey: They probably were. *sigh*
iggy: Your wish is my command! I actually had considered enhancing with each one's picture, but really didnt feel like putting the work into it last night (early this a.m.). I've chosen a nice gold lame (oh man, where's a french E with an accent when ya need it?)in honor of the....well let's just say I think he'd appreciate the humor in it.
Cool idea on the wordles! I think I am going to do this with General Hospital:)
Allison didn't deserve to go home last week, but she wasn't going to make it to the end, so I guess it doesn't much matter.
Cool wordies.
LOL Iggy.
Wordles are so much fun, aren't they? Hope you've had a delightful Mother's Day Weekend. I'm celebrating by cleaning the screen porch, trimming plants that are seriously about to turn into mammoth tangles of growth because of recent heavy rains, and, of course, hosting my weekly Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Please stop by, if you have a chance!
Beautiful new background!
Yes, I get that same obsessed way with Survivor!
I'm really bummed that Allison was kicked off last week, but I'm glad Adam's still dominating. I really enjoyed your wordles! Thanks!
My husband abandons me for Idol every stinkin' year! lol! Who do you think is going home tonight????
Bee? See the entry in TheJukebox link, dear.
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